Glow up İstanbul
In addition to classical nose surgeries, all kinds of nose corrections are performed, including correction of large and long noses, saddle noses, humpbacked or crooked noses, and non-surgical nose corrections using injection treatments.

Nose correction with nose surgery (rhinoplasty) – methods, procedure, risks
Rhinoplasty with rhinoplasty is the right choice for anyone who is dissatisfied with their nose and wants a permanently beautiful nose. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and is therefore largely painless. After just one to two weeks, you will be able to contract again as a patient.
Whether a nose looks beautiful or not depends on its ratio with other facial features.
The most common corrections of nasal deformities are:
Protruding Nose:
If the profile of the bridge of the nose is curved outward (convex), it is called the protruding nose, and sometimes (also with the nasal tip lowered) hooked or eagle nose. Removing such a hump is one of the most frequently requested nose corrections by patients. A distinction must be made between the “true hump” and the “pseudo-hump”. The true hump consists of excess cartilage or bone removed in an operation. “Fake hump” is a lowering around the hump. In these cases, a flat nose can only be produced by creating lowered sections. Cartilage and bone tissue taken from other parts of the body are transferred to the nose. Surgeons have a lot of experience with both surgical methods.
Crooked Nose:
In front view, the bridge of the nose is visibly curved. Correction of a crooked nose is usually done surgically. The procedure is considered time-consuming, especially as displacement of the nasal septum is often necessary. You will also benefit from the experience of Surgeons as we perform this operation frequently.
Saddle Nose:
If the bridge of the nose curves inward (“concave”) and therefore collapses, it is called a saddle nose. It can be congenital or caused by accidents or diseases. For correction, collapsed areas often need to be reconstructed with the help of transplants.
Big and Long Noses:
A very wide and/or very long nose is very dominant on most faces. In such cases, nose reduction helps create an overall harmonious facial proportion. The methods used should be determined individually.
Correction of the Nose Tip:
Too straight, too lumpy, drooping or otherwise deformed – although it is just a detail, the tip of the nose can shape the overall impression of the nose or even the entire face. Nose tip corrections are therefore one of the most popular nose surgeries.
Almost all desired changes are possible, such as reducing, enlarging, lifting or accentuating the tip of the nose. How complex the procedure is and which method is chosen always depends on the individual condition of the skin and cartilage.
Nose Surgery
Specialized in operative nose corrections of the externally visible nasal form (rhinoplasty). However, during surgery on the nose, the functional aspects of this organ can never be separated from the aesthetic impression. After all, the nose fulfils a number of important functions: Not only do we smell and breathe with our nose, the organ cleans and warms our breath, protecting our mouth and respiratory tract from infection and dehydration.
All these functions must also be present after nose correction. Therefore, we also perform surgical corrections of the inner nose (septoplasty) at clinic on a regular basis. Sometimes malfunctions and aesthetic corrections of the nose can also be corrected in a single operation. We also perform such so-called septorhinoplasty in clinics.

Nose surgery procedure (preservation, hospital stay and aftercare)
Although the course of a rhinoplasty always depends on the individual findings and the individually chosen therapy, we can still give you at least a rough insight into the course of a nose operation in advance:
Before the nose operation, a detailed anamnesis is made, in which both the functioning of the organ and the aesthetic effect of the nose on the harmonious overall appearance of the face is recorded. With the help of digital imaging, we create a photo simulation that takes your wishes into account while at the same time giving you the security of knowing which corrections will create the most beautiful nose possible for your face.
Already 1 week before the operation you should refrain from the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes as well as the income of blood thinners. You will already be informed about the handling of chronic diseases or allergies in the preliminary talk.
The nasal surgery itself lasts 1 to 3 hours on average.
Surgical nose corrections are generally performed under general anesthesia. As a rule, you will not experience any pain even after the operation. You can leave the clinic on the day of the operation.
You should plan a healing period of between 1 and 2 weeks. Bandages and plaster splints can usually be removed after 7 to 10 days. Through minimally invasive procedure, we try to avoid bruising as much as possible. Patients who have undergone a nasal surgery are usually able to contract after 2 weeks at the latest.
When planning a nasal surgery, you do not have to consider whether it is cold or warm outside. Nose corrections can be carried out at any time of the year.
Inexpensive non-surgical nose corrections It can only be decided individually whether nose correction will be performed with or without surgery. For example, if only small differences can be compensated for in a crooked or crooked nose, a harmonious nose appearance can be achieved with the help of fillers such as hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite or autologous oil.
These types of injection treatments are minimally invasive treatments with their respective advantages:
Surgery is not required, the outpatient procedure is performed with local anesthesia. You can leave the clinic immediately after therapy.
Any swelling or blemishes that may occur usually disappear quickly, so patients are usually ready for use the next day or within 2 days at the latest. Injection therapy takes only 15 to 40 minutes with pre and post care. Results can be seen immediately. The costs of an injection treatment are significantly lower. As a rule, you do not pay even a tenth of the amount required for an operation. However, a disadvantage of injection treatments is that the results are only of limited duration. Because the injection material is degraded by the body, the results of non-surgical nose correction (depending on the filler chosen) are usually obtained in only 6 to 18 months. The treatment should then be renewed. It is also possible to choose injection therapy first as a test for a permanent nose surgery later on.
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